Tuesday, 19 August 2014

reading stuff

I have to say I have been finding the reading challenges quite easy this term, but in saying that I haven't really don't that many (I never really do) but I have read like 7 books.
 I plan to at least have the 10 book challenge ( but not the 20 book challenge)
and this term I have managed to finally read the hunger games ( I know what you are all thinking but yes I have only finished now)   
I have to say the final of the hunger games ( mocking jay) I maybe the worst book I have ever read and was just talking and hardly any fighting.
I really hop I win own of those chocolate though

Please leave a comment down below about what challenges your doing


Thursday, 14 August 2014


Football is my favorite sport and I think it should be your favourite to it is just amazing, ball skills dribbling and shooting. But be careful if you call football soccer to an Englishman they will be mad.

I normally play defence which in my is the best place to play you can slide tackle people and boot in up to the middle people. I have only scored about 3 times in my 4 years of playing but I really don't care

anyways I hope you like football too please leave a comment



Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Agents of S.P.A.C.E

Agents of S.P.A.C.E is this year school production and this year i also manged to get a main role JERRy a stupid ( but loveable) henchman that is always trying to listen to his boss and overall is.....Dumb

Great to hear that the teacher picked the poeple from what they are in real life.....groan

but i a really looking forward to this year production and i hop you guys are too

ps i know ALL my lines