I found this weeks blog task really hard, there are so many cool songs to listen too but one that is meaningful too me?? well I had to wait to see what others idea where and I thought to myself that these is going to be a hard task to complete but I thought I would give it a go....and there it is.
So I could talk about my favourite bands and artists but I mean that wasn't really the task but anyways I thought "what ever" and did it anyways so there it is my top 3 favourite band are
1. Skrillex ( I know what you are saying "big surprise, ant") I like EVERYTHING he puts out and his music is almost always great to rave too ( rave= hard-core dancing ant style)
2. fall out boy most possibly the best rock band is the WORLD when ever I listen to the radio and hear something I like it is almost always fall out boy
3. daft punk may surprise you but I have been a fan of their music for quite a while now
I just love that most of their have a little "daft punk touch" that tells you that it is their song.
ass you can see from my list I had a hard time choosing what song in meaningful but after like 3 hours thinking my favourite ( and most meaningful song)
is skrillex Bangarang
the first skrillex song a ever listened too. The song that started my love for skrillex ( YEAH)
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