Tuesday, 11 June 2013


I am becoming a really good artist (or at least thats what I tell myself) I manged to paint an apple and I think over the past few weeks I have been painting a lot better. I have been able to make  a clean line (not a BLURRED LINE). i have also been taught how to blend colours and get the shape i want for my painting. i hope i will become a even better artist and that every thing I paint is so bad :(   

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

painting problems

I am a OK painter but if you asked me to paint the famous this is not a pipe paintting I would have a BIT of a problem ( maybe a bit more than a BIT). I manged after 2 days of painting to get it right (kinda) and spp the test of the paint and it is said to be my best work ( YEAH) and i hope to do a lot more and get better at painting. it was hard to paint but I think I idi well and hope to paint more in school. I am VERY proungd of my painting