Tuesday, 28 May 2013

basics facts tests

I am okay at basics facts. I know them but I have a problem when its said and not written down because I have always used the written way. I am now bad and I think I need to practice a little bit to get prefect. I have always found the 8 and 7 times table hard but now as a year 7 I need to crack down and do it. I hopping for a good score and a little bit of listening luck in the test   

Thursday, 23 May 2013

st brigids

on Wednesday the year 7 and 8 went to st Brigids and we got a morning tea snack.   After morning tea we got to go to our rooms and play indoors games like days of the week. it was all very fun and I like making new friends and talking to new people.   

Monday, 20 May 2013

st brigids

On Wednesday we are going to swap with st Brigids school so we can see there school and they can see ours.

 I hope that 
1)  I will enjoy the day and see what school is like
2) meet some new people 
3) make some new friends ( hopefully) 
4) enjoy the challenges the teachers give us. 
5) hope for best in every thing i do on the day.

 I hope that the challenges are hard ( but are possible)
that the Brigids are nice and that the weather is fine

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

ASB session

Vaney the ASB dude and told room 11 and 12 about keeping our money safe and saving our money in the right place a bank  ( ASB of course). he payed games with us and told us about employments  right and IRD codes and high and low income jobs. i have lots of friends that are big spenders and have low pocket so they need to stop.

he got us all pumped (MONEY MONEY MONEY) and we started shout and it was VERY LOUND(I have to talk in CAPLOCKS). after his talk i felt saving all my money and buying so thing didnt  that didnt work I went to the dariy. It was a good messange to save your money but i doubt it will affect anyone

Tuesday, 7 May 2013


 I went to Auckland in the holidays for nine days and went to:
rainbow's end, Auckland zoo,the movies to see iron man 3 and priate golf.

we went to rainbows I really wanted to go on the hard rides which make you spew.First we went on the easy rides like the log ride and the gold rush then we went to the invader the powersurge and the crocksrew rollercoaster.

The next day I went to the movies with my uncle Robert. We went to see iron man 3 and I had nachos with it, NACHOS, I LOVE NACHOS.The movie was great but really odd because of technology tony stark was using.
finally I went to  the zoo with my aunt karen and we look at all the animals.My aunt asked the care takers if they could take me in the area of the apes.

My hoildays were awesome but boring because there were no other
chrildern there.   :(